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Barrel Racers
$2250 Added Money!!!!
2024 Finals Qualification
2024 Central 4 D Finals Qualifications: We have decided to open our year end finals to anyone to include members who did not meet the minimal attendance to attend. Pre entries MUST be received by September 9th by mail or on the link provided. (Go to the schedule page and click on information for finals to find links). To receive year end awards you must have attended 7 shows.
Friday night race is open to everyone as well. Ride Around has 2 sessions, 12noon and 1230pm. $20 per horse, 8 horse max. Exhibitions start at 1pm and end after the 4pm time slot. Class will start at 5pm. AFTER PRE ENTRIES CLOSE WE WILL POST WHEN BOOKS CLOSE.
Saturday and Sunday is open to anyone, member or not. Class will start 10am each day. Year end awards will immediately follow the race on Sunday. I will not impose any late fees on entries this year!!